909 Wilson Road, Room 327
East Lansing, MI 48824
United States
Michael J. Boivin, PhD
University Distinguished Professor
Professor and Director, Psychiatry Research Program
Joint appointment in Psychiatry and Neurology & Ophthalmology
A former Fulbright research scholar to the DR Congo (1990-91) and Uganda (2003-04), Dr. Boivin presently leads R34 MH082663; Cognitive and psychosocial benefits of caregiver training in Ugandan HIV children. He is also leading a study in Uganda on the cognitive rehabilitation of school-age Ugandan children affected by HIV (R34 MH084782, Neuropsychological Benefits of Cognitive Training in Ugandan HIV Children. He has led the neurodevelopmental assessment portions of an NIH R21 study on the neurocognitive effects of HIV subtype in Ugandan children (PI: Wong), and on a K01 study on the neurodevelopmental and factors affecting neurocognitive disability in rural Ugandan children affected by HIV (PI: Brahmbhatt). He recently published studies in evaluating cognitive rehabilitation programs in Ugandan school-age children with HIV and those having survived cerebral malaria.
Presently Dr. Boivin is collaborating on studies evaluating the neurocognitive effects of cerebral malaria in Malawian and Ugandan children, as well as the developmental effects of maternal anemia in very young children in Benin.
Over the past 20 years, Dr. Boivin has pioneered the application of neuropsychological assessment in gauging the neurocognitive impact of public health risk factors and interventions in African children. For more information, please visit ThriveEarly.
Research and Publications Open Link in New Tab (PDF, 24KB)
Book Release - Neuropsychology of Children in Africa, Perspectives on Risk and Resilience
Neuropsychology of Children in Africa
Press Releases
New Urgency in Battle Against ‘Bound Legs’ Disease
Training Gives Kids of Aids Patients a Leg Up
Improved Caregiver Training Helps Hiv-Infected Children
Konzo Disease Research
Cognitive Effects of Konzo Open Link In New Tab (PDF, 146KB)