Geriatric Fellowship

Why a geriatric psychiatry fellowship?​

Do you enjoy working with older adults? Do you like the challenge of dealing with frail elders using a collaborative team-based approach? Consider the geriatric psychiatry fellowship at Michigan State University! Our fellowship program is a one-year clinically focused experience that allows the fellow exposure to numerous components of older adult care including inpatient, telepsychiatry (outpatient), consultation-liaison, rehabilitation, and neurology in a supportive and active learning environment.​

The MSU geriatric psychiatry fellow will work with experienced teaching faculty to gain diagnostic and treatment skills. Fellows will rotate on the geriatric psychiatry unit at McLaren Greater Lansing which provides a broad spectrum of services. Consultation-liaison experience is provided at Sparrow Hospital with psychiatrists skilled in both medical and psychiatric care. Rehabilitation and long-term care clinical experiences are offered at Ingham County Medical Care Facility, a vibrant rehabilitation and long-term care facility in Lansing. ​

Fellows will be able to work with MSU medical students and psychiatry residents. Teaching opportunities are easily available. Clinical electives are numerous including palliative care, hospice, ECT, and community-based psychiatry. As a sizeable institution, MSU offers a rich opportunity for research collaboration.​

The Department of Psychiatry is jointly administered by the Colleges of Human Medicine and Osteopathic Medicine. The geriatric psychiatry fellowship is accredited by the ACGME. For more information about the Geriatric Psychiatry fellowship, please email Deb Wagenaar, DO, MS.