Our residency program trains general, child and adolescent, and geriatric psychiatrists who are flexible, broadly educated, and equipped to practice psychiatry in a changing 21st-century environment. This diverse and flexible program attempts to individualize training based on our residents’ educational and family needs. We emphasize evidence-based therapies, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy, and dialectical behavioral therapy while preserving a foundation in traditional insight-oriented therapy. Our rotations are designed to expose our residents to patients with widely varying degrees of function from the entire spectrum of socioeconomic groups. Unique features of this program include the Psychotherapy Emphasis and Rural Psychiatry Track.
Our broad-based training results in our graduates working in diverse settings. Our graduates work in inpatient units, solo private outpatient practice settings, Community Mental Health centers, consultation-liaison psychiatry programs, prisons, with groups of psychologists and social workers, in public school programs, and academics. Our graduates are well-prepared for varied practice settings. About 80 percent of our graduates stay in Michigan, and approximately 50 percent do some work in public-sector psychiatry. The department is a shared department of the College of Human Medicine and the College of Osteopathic Medicine. The residency program is fully accredited for training by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education.
2024 - 2025 East Lansing Psychiatry Residency Class